Gerard Tan Wei Kiat’s Project Portfolio Page


Finux is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application that allows you to record your expenses, savings and loans all in one consolidated platform for fast-typists. It enhances the user experience by integrating of different features into one to remove the hassle of constantly using different applications.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contribution

Contributions can be found on RepoSense

Contribution to Implementation

Savings, RecordList classes

I was tasked to design and build the foundation of Finux’s data structures alongside with Tze Xern. During our collaboration, we discussed several approaches that we can adopt in our implementation. Some approaches included data structures that were taught back in CS2040C. We then agreed on creating two separate classes, the first is the RecordList class and the Second is an abstract Record class. I am responsible for the RecordList class and the Savings subclass.

CreditScore Feature

Jason implemented the calculation on the difference between two dates, while Jonah came up with the formula for credit score calculation.

I implemented the execution of the credit score formula in both CreditScoreCommand and ReturnCommand. I resolved several issues including avoiding double counting of the credit score. I also designed the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap class and implemented saving of the credit scores into finux.txt, while not disrupting the existing RecordList save feature implemented by Jonah.


I implemented the FinuxLogger class so that our team can have a proper way to log Finux error messages into a log file, and not let the logging messages appear in the user interface of our application.

Displaying of the Loans, Expense and Savings lists.

I implemented the printing of Loans, Expense and Savings lists, for the ListCommand

Contributions to UG

Contributions to DG

Contributions to Team-based Tasks

Contributions Beyond Project Team