Tan Tze Xern’s Project Portfolio Page


Finux is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application that allows you to record your expenses, savings and loans all in one consolidated platform for fast-typists. It enhances the user experience by integrating of different features into one to remove the hassle of constantly using different applications.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contribution

Contributions can be found on RepoSense

Contribution to Implementation

Record, Loan, Expense classes

I was tasked to do up these simple yet foundational building blocks of our application. I was working with Gerard where he worked on the remaining building block classes Saving and RecordList. We worked on them as soon as possible as it is really crucial for other parts of the application where testing requires these classes.


Along with Andy and Mark, we have introduced several validators to validate inputs and parameters to make sure that the values are in the correct format before being utilized. I was responsible for the validateIndex to make sure that the indices given are not symbols, alphabets, negative numbers, unknown symbols, etc.


This command was partially done and I included some of my own implementations for better usability. This command is used hand in hand with the validateIndex and hence I took up this.

Contributions to UG

Contributions to DG

Contributions to Team-based Tasks

  1. Initiated to have a better documentation system to better facilitate each meeting for our team.
  2. Contributed in maintaining each meetings’ Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Project Log with Andy.
  3. Facilitated meetings along with Andy.
  4. Vetting UG, DG.

Contributions Beyond Project Team

  1. Gave peer-review feedbacks to coursemates in terms of their UG and DG for possible improvement.
  2. Gave verbal feedbacks to other teams on their application.