Developer Guide


Table of Content

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Purpose
    1.2 Using this Guide
  2. Setting Up
    2.1 Setting up the project in your computer
    2.2 Before writing code
  3. Design
    3.1 Architecture
    3.2 UI Component
    3.3 Parser Component
    3.4 CommandHandler Component
    3.5 Command Component
    3.6 RecordList Component
    3.7 CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap
    3.8 Storage Component
  4. Implementation
    4.1 Add Feature
    4.2 List Feature
    4.3 View Feature
    4.4 Return Feature
    4.5 Remove Feature
    4.6 Storage Feature
    4.7 Credit Score Feature

Appendix A: Product Scope
Appendix B: User Stories
Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements
Appendix D: Instructions For Manual Testing

1. Introduction

Greetings from Finux!

Finux is a Command-Line-Interface (CLI) Style application that allows the user to make better financial decisions based on the information recorded in the application. If you’re familiar with the CLI command interface, you will enjoy the benefit of speeding up your finance management rather than using the traditional management system.

Finux is written in Java 11 and uses the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. OOP enables us to produce organized and reusable codes, allowing efficient improvements and revisions in the future.

1.1 Purpose

This guide is for new and current developers of Finux. It describes the overall architecture design of Finux and describes the current implementation details of our main features with the thought process behind each of them. The current edition of this guide is meant for the v2.1 release.

1.2 Using this Guide

Throughout the guide, you might encounter several icons, refer to the following consolidate list of icons:

Icon Meaning
💡 It indicates that this is an important piece of information.
It indicates that this is a warning and you should be aware of it while developing.
📝 It indicates that this is a tip and you may find it useful when using our application or guide.

📝 Text that are blue like this example(jumps to 1.2), are clickable links that will move you to the relevant section of the guide.
📝 Records refer to either expenses, loans or savings.
📝 Pressing the Home button on your keyboard will bring you to the top of the Developer’s Guide when you want to refer to the table of content at any time.

2. Setting Up

2.1 Setting up the project in your computer

Ensure that you have the following installed:

Firstly, fork this repo and clone a copy into your computer.

If you plan to use IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Ensure IntelliJ is configured to develop in JDK 11.
    1. Visit this website to get the latest method of configuring it: IntelliJ IDEA Help
  2. Import the project as a Gradle Project.
    1. Click on Import Project and locate the build.gradle file and select it. Click OK.
    2. If prompted, choose to Open as Project (not Open as File).
    3. Click OK to accept the default settings but do ensure that the selected version of Gradle JVM matches the JDK being used for the project.
    4. Wait for the importing process to finish (it could take a few minutes).
  3. Verify the setup.
    1. After importing successfully, locate the src/main/java/seedu.duke/ file, right click it, and choose Run.... If the setup is correct, you should see the following: Login_Page (This screenshot is taken on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.3.1)

2.2 Before writing code

2.2.1 Configuring the Coding Style

If you are using IDEA, follow this guide IDEA: Configuring the code style to setup IDEA’s coding style to match ours.

2.2.2 Set up CI

There is no set up required as the project comes with GitHub Actions config files, located in .github/workflows folder. When GitHub detects these files, it will run the CI for the project automatically at each push to the master branch or to any PR.

2.2.3 Learn the Design

Before starting to write any code, we recommend that you have a look at Finux’s overall design by reading Finux’s Architecture section.

3. Design

3.1 Architecture

Figure 1: Finux Architecture Diagram

💡 The diagrams are built with PlantUML. The .puml files can be found in the diagrams folder and the generated picture diagrams are in the img folder.

The Architecture Diagram above details the high-level design of the Finux application. Brief explanations of the components involved are given below.

The Finux component is the object class itself, It is responsible for,

The rest of the application consists of six main components.

The application has another background component CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap that supports the credit score feature.

Given below are sequence diagrams describing the general application flow and how the different objects interact with each other.

Figure 2: Initialization

The initialization sequence diagram above shows the systematic flow of object creation and record retrieval from storage file for creation of the RecordList object.

Main program flow
Figure 3: Main Application Loop & Exit Sequence

💡 The lifeline all objects should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram. This limitation persists throughout all sequence diagram in this guide.

This sequence diagram follows suit after initialization in Figure 2.
This shows the main flow until the exit command is input by the user.

The following sections below will provide more details of each component.

3.2 UI Component

Figure 4: Ui Class Diagram

The Ui Component consists of a Ui class which handles all user input and system output. The Ui is only dependent on the Finux class and does not interact directly with other classes, ensuring a high level of cohesiveness, low level of coupling and separation of roles.

The Ui component actively listens for:

3.3 Parser Component

Figure 5: ParserHandler Class Diagram


The Parser component consist of one class called ParserHandler. The role of ParserHandler can be interpreted as a “manager” or “middle man” to parse the user input from the console into an ArrayList<String> format.


In the main program, ParserHandler is instantiated through the constructor new ParserHandler(). Whenever the program needs to parse a user input, the ParserHandler calls the method getParseInput() and returns an ArrayList<String>.

  1. getParseInput() will trim the leading white space before calling startExtraction().
  2. startExtraction will check if the trimmed input starts with option. If yes, extract the option and remove the option from the trimmed input before calling extractSubsequentPart().
  3. extractSubsequentPart() will check for the next option index and extract whatever is in between the start of the trimmed input to the start of the next option index. This is the argument tagged after the option. Afterward, the checking mechanism will loop until no valid next options are left in the input before calling extractFinalPart().
    • Any leading or trailing white space of the argument field will be removed.
    • If no argument is provided, the argument would be stored as an empty string.
  4. extractFinalPart() will check if the final input ends with option. If yes, extract the option and add an empty string as the argument, else just add the final input to the ArrayList<String>.
  5. Finally, after the extraction to ArrayList<String> is complete, extractFinalPart() will call checkFirstBlock() for the final check to parse any help or creditscore in the first argument block.

Parser Component Design Consideration

  1. Leading and trailing whitespace should be considered carefully especially with options involved.
    • Input starting with valid option should consider the possibility of multiple leading whitespaces, thus stripLeading() should be applied.
    • Input ending with valid option should also be considered with possibility of multiple trailing whitespaces, thus stripTrailing() should be applied as well.
  2. Checking of options in the start, end, and during the processing should be considered carefully with accordance to consideration 1.
    • Starting option should be in the form of '<option> ' with no leading whitespace and 1 trailing whitespace. e.g. '-e '
    • Ending option should be in the form of ' <option>' with 1 leading whitespace and no trailing whitespace. e.g. ' -e'
    • During the extraction, the next option should be in the form of ' <option> ' with 1 leading and trailing whitespace. e.g. ' -e '
  3. As rearrangement of options is allowed, option detection should cater to non-fixed option order. Apache Commons Lang, 3.11, providing the StringUtils class is used to cater to consideration 2.
    • StringUtils.startsWithAny() - detection of start option with non-fixed order.
    • StringUtils.endsWithAny() - detection of end option with non-fixed order.
    • StringUtils.indexOfAny() - detection of during processing option with non-fixed order.
  4. As multiple whitespaces is allowed, options and arguments should be fully trimmed (leading and trailing).
  5. As the ArrayList<String> is passed back to the main program and is being used by CommandHandler, the argument field should be compulsory and appended with an empty string if it is empty to facilitate validations and option-argument pairwise logic.
  6. getParseInput() should always return a new ArrayList<String> per new input.

3.4 CommandHandler Component

Figure 6: CommandHandler Class Diagram
Figure 7: CommandHandler Sequence Diagram


The CommandHandler component is the object class itself. The role of the CommandHandler is to convert parsedArguments from the ParserHandler into subsequent Command objects which will be executed thereafter. The XYZCommand in Figure 7 represents a valid command word (e.g. "xyz") from the input parsed earlier from the ParserHandler. More on the actual valid commands, please refer to the Command Component below.


It functions as a mapping from parsedArguments[0] to a set of predefined command words (the actual commands of the Application).
With reference to the above Figure 7, In the case of "xyz" being mapped to XYZCommand, depending on the other data in the parsedArguments,

If parsedArguments[0] maps to an empty String "", a null is returned, allowing the Finux to continue prompting for user input.

Finally, if parsedArguments[0] cannot be mapped to any command, a CommandException is thrown to Finux to handle.

Not stated explicitly in the diagrams, when the exit command is entered, the CommandHandler sets the isExit = true, ending control of the commandLooper() and resulting in Finux proceeding to call end() to exit the Application.

3.5 Command Component

Figure 8: Command Class Diagram (Part 1)

Figure 9: Command Class Diagram (Part 2)

All Commands contain a command word constant named as COMMAND_* (as underlined in Figure 8 & 9),
e.g. protected static final String COMMAND_XYZ = "xyz";
These constants are used by the CommandHandler to map to each Command.

3.5.1 Add Command

Figure 10: Add Command Class Diagram

In the case of AddCommand in the above Figure 10,
the resultant constant is String COMMAND_ADD = "add";.

Below shows the command format the user has to type into the Application.

Command Format

Commands in Finux follow these argument orders (depending on the command):

Argument types and notation:

Non-strict argument order:
The add and return commands do not require strict ordering for options.
E.g. For the case of add, option -a can come before/after option -d.

More on the different types of commands and usages, please refer to our User Guide.


The Command component contains the abstract Command class and its extensions (child classes). Each child class inherits the Command class. The child classes of Command are the AddCommand, CreditScoreCommand, ViewCommand, etc…


The only abstract method of Command is execute(...), where it is called by Finux everytime a Command object is successfully created. Most of the input validation is done in the constructor of each Command object.

  1. Firstly, arguments are checked for validity (if any):
    1. Valid options: options accepted by each Command. E.g. -a indicating the amount is valid for the command add.
    2. No duplicate options: options are not repeated. E.g. -a 200 -a 200 or -l -l is invalid.
    3. No conflict options: mutually exclusive options, options that cannot be input at the same time. E.g. ViewCommand implements {-e | -l | -s | -a} options, view -s -l is considered a conflict of options.
  2. Secondly, option values are validated (if any):
    • E.g. The input return -i 2 -d 20122012 has option values of "2" for -i and "20122012" for -d. Each option value is validated based on the input validation methods for each data type.

💡 The Command classes uses static validation methods from the Utils class. Some notable methods used are:

The RecordType enumeration

The use of RecordType is for later in the execution of the Command.

In the case of AddCommand (as seen in Figure 10), which supports options of {-e | -l | -s}, the constructor will check which option was given, and sets the RecordType enumeration, recordType to the following:

For other cases, like in the ViewCommand and ListCommand, it supports an additional -a option. This option sets the recordType to ALL.

Command validation

If no violations are present in the arguments, then the subsequent Command object is returned.
If violations occur at any point of the input validation, the Command is not created and CommandException is thrown back to the CommandHandler.

3.6 RecordList Component

RecordList Figure 11: RecordList Class Diagram


The RecordList component consists of only one class which is the RecordList. The role of the RecordList is to maintain an internal ArrayList<Record> object created throughout Finux’s execution.


This design follows the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) style, where operations relating to the list can only be performed through the interfaces defined in the RecordList class. Doing so allows us to restrict the access to the internal ArrayList<Record> from the external classes, successfully achieving the information hiding aspect under the Encapsulation concept of OOP.

When Finux starts up, Finux instantiates the RecordList with data loaded from the save file, finux.txt. This is done by the Finux class calling the constructor RecordList(ArrayList<Record>), passing in the ArrayList<Record> returned from the method call storage.getRecordListData(). This ArrayList<Record> returned from storage.getRecordListData() is loaded from the save file by a prior method call storage.loadFile(), also performed by the Finux class. For more information on Storage component, refer to section 3.8.

When any of the commands of the listed features in section 4 are requested to run, Finux will pass the RecordList into the execute() method call of the respective commands’ classes for their intended operations. During runtime, any executions of the execute() method of AddCommand will instantiate either an Expense, Loan or Saving object to be added to the RecordList via the addRecord() method call of the RecordList class. Conversely, any executions of the execute() method of RemoveCommand will remove the requested Record object from the RecordList via the deleteRecordAt(recordIndex) method call of the RecordList class, where recordIndex refers to the index of the requested Record to delete. Upon successful addition or deletion, the state of the RecordList will be saved into the save file via the method call storage.saveData(recordList, creditScoreReturnedLoansMap).

When any of the Finux’s components is required to retrieve a Record object from the RecordList, the following methods are utilized:

Combining the above two methods, one can loop through the entire RecordList in a ‘for loop’ fashion as shown in the following snippet of pseudo code:

LOOP FROM i←0 to i<getRecordCount()-1
       PRINT getRecordAt(i)

3.7 CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap Component

CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap Class Diagram
Figure 12: CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap Class Diagram


The CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap component consists of only one class which is the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap. The role of the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap is to maintain an internal HashMap of borrower names mapped to their respective credit score, inserted throughout Finux’s execution. The credit score referred to in this case is computed based on the list of confirmed returned loans made by the borrower and is not the final score.


Similar to RecordList, the maintenance of CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap is also achieved through the OOP style, where operations relating to the internal HashMap can only be performed through the defined interfaces in CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap class. By adopting this design, it allows us to restrict the access to the internal HashMap from the external classes, hence satisfying the information hiding aspect under the Encapsulation concept of OOP.

When Finux starts up, Finux instantiates the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap with data loaded from the save file, finux.txt. This is done by the Finux class calling the constructor CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap(HashMap), passing in the HashMap returned from the method call storage.getMapData(). This HashMap returned from storage.getMapData() is loaded from the save file by a prior method call storage.loadFile(), also performed by the Finux class. For more information on Storage component, refer to section 3.8.

When any of the commands of the listed features in section 4 are requested to run, Finux will pass the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap into execute() method call of the respective commands’ classes for their intended operations. As of V2.1 implementation, only both ReturnCommand and CreditScoreCommand operate on CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap. When a loan is marked as returned by the ReturnCommand, the command will first retrieve the borrower’s credit score from CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap via CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap#getCreditScoreOf(). If the borrower’s name does not exist in CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap, getCreditScoreOf() will return a max credit score of 100, indicating that the borrower is trustable based solely on his loan history of returned loans prior to the current loan that has just been returned.

Next, the ReturnCommand will compute the days taken for the borrower to return this loan. With this information together with the retrieved score, the ReturnCommand will recompute the borrower’s credit score by executing Utils#computeCreditScore(). The formula used by Utils#computeCreditScore() is as described in section 4.7. With this newly recomputed score, the ReturnCommand will proceed to update CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap with the Borrower’s new credit score via CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap#insertCreditScoreOf(). Upon successful update, the state of the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap will be saved into the save file via the method call storage.saveData(recordList, creditScoreReturnedLoansMap).

Lastly, when the CreditScoreCommand is requested by the user, the command will likewise first retrieve the borrower’s credit score from CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap via CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap#getCreditScoreOf(). With the retrieved value, the command will proceed to compute and display the final credit score of the borrower as described in section 4.7.1.

3.8 Storage Component

Figure 13: Storage Class Diagram


The storage component consists of only 1 class called Storage. The role of the Storage is to translate all records from the RecordList and CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap (a HashMap) into a text format in a text output file and vice versa.


In the application, Storage is instantiated in classes that requires the use of the save or load function, this is done through the constructor new Storage(). Whenever a new record gets added, removed, or marked as returned, the saveData method will be called and all record up to that point will be converted into a text output and saved into the finux.txt file. The creditScoreReturnedLoansMap will also be translated into a user readable text format and stored in the same file as the records. The loadFile method will do the exact opposite, and load the data from the finux.txt file back into the Finux application.

  1. saveData() is the method that is called after any Record are added, deleted, or marked as returned. It will then call the writeToSaveFile() method.

  2. writeRecordListToSaveFile will add the currently addressed RecordList and all its stored records into the finux.txt file after calling the convertFileFormat method from the Record class. The writeToSaveFile() method will also output each individual records in separate lines.

  3. writeCreditScoreMapToSaveFile will convert all key:value pairs, in this case, borrowerName:creditScore pairs in the creditScoreReturnLoansMap into a user readable format and store them in the same finux.txt file as the records.

  4. loadFile method does the opposite of the writeRecordListToSaveFile() method. In the loadFile() method, a new ArrayList<Record> is instantiated. It will then call the saveFileExist() method. If the method returns false, initSaveFile() method will be called and a new finux.txt will be created in the same directory of the FINUX application. The loadFile() method will then return a new and empty ArrayList<Record> back to the start() method in the Finux class. Should the saveFileExist() returns true, for each line of text in the finux.txt file will be parsed into the parseRecord() method which will call the individual load methods loadExpense(), loadLoan(), loadSaving() based on a REGEX expression of the text data. Should the pattern be unrecognisable, or the file is unable to be read, an exception will be thrown to the start() method and FINUX will terminate. If all the text data is properly loaded, the loadFile() method will return the ArrayList<Record> to the RecordList object in the start() method.

  5. initSaveFile() method will create a new finux.txt specified by the constant SAVED_FILE_PATH. It will call Ui#printSuccessfulFileCreation() on a successful creation of the file, but will throw an IOExcpetion if there was an error in creating the file.

  6. parseRawData() method will compare the pattern of the text in the finux.txt and call the respective methods loadExpense(), loadLoan(), loadSaving(), loadCreditScoreRawData() based on the pattern that matches the Expense, Loan, Saving, or the creditScore pattern in the saved file. This method will throw an exception back to the loadFile() method if any of the REGEX pattern does not match.

  7. extractArg() is a “micro” parser component of the Storage class. This method simply splits the raw data from the finux.txt file into an array and returns the argument that is referenced by the index to its caller method with their leading and trailing white spaces removed.

  8. loadExpense() will extract the individual components from the raw data parsed into it. This method will call the extractArg() method which returns the components that are addressed by the index after splitting up the raw save file. The amount object in this method will be converted into a BigInteger type and the issueDate will be parsed in the localDate type. An exception will be thrown if either amount or issueDate is not in the right format which prevents them from being parsed into their respective types. It will then return a new Expense object to the parseRecord() method.

  9. loadSaving() works similar to loadExpense() method, where the only difference is that it returns a new Saving object to the parseRecord() method.

  10. loadLoan() also works similar to both loadExpense() and loadSaving() method, but in the loadLoan() method, it has a few extra parameters. The first being a boolean isReturn, where 1 signifies returned and 0 not returned. The borrowerName is the next variable in the Loan object. And lastly, the returnDate, the returnDate will only return not null if the isReturn boolean has a value of true. This method then returns a new Loan object to the parseRecord() method.

Storage Component Design Consideration

  1. Regex pattern has to be strictly adhered to.
    • Spacings between the | and components have to be separated clearly.
    • Record components in the finux.txt file should not contain any extraneous |.
    • Each record’s regex pattern must be the same regardless of the type of the record.
  2. Save file has to exist.
    • finux.txt has to be created upon the first time start of the application .
    • finux.txt is to be checked if exist before loading or creating a new file.
  3. Variable components of each Record object has to be parsed properly.
    • As the save function saves these Record in a particular regex pattern and type, users who edit the save file directly may enter ambiguous characters like the |, thus each variable has to be parsed without any error thrown.
    • Error has to be thrown if the saved text is unable to be parsed, as allowing ambiguous values to be parsed into the application may cause unknown and unwanted outputs.

4. Implementation

This section introduces the specific implementation details and design thought processes of some features in Finux.

4.1 Add Feature

The Add feature aims to allow users to add expense, loan, and saving records.

4.1.1 Current Implementation

The Add feature is facilitated by AddCommand.
When adding an expense add -e bread loaf -a 2.50 -d today, or
adding a savings add -s week's savings -a 100 -d 28/03/2021, or
adding a loan add -l loan to gerard -a 200 -d 12012021 -p Gerard, the ParserHandler will parse the input for CommandHandler to create the AddCommand object.

By calling the execute() method,

Figure 14: Sequence Diagram for AddCommand

📝 The sequence diagram starts from Step 2 onward.

Given below is an example usage scenario of how AddCommand behaves at each step.

Step 1:
User executes the command add -e Company lunch -a 20.00 -d 02-04-2021.
The application invokes ParserHandler#getParseInput() to provide the parsed input to CommandHandler#createCommand(). This checks for the command type, add, and proceeds to validate the parsed input in the new AddCommand() constructor before returning the constructed AddCommand object to Finux.

Step 2:
The application next invokes the AddCommand#execute() to execute the user’s instruction.

Step 3:
Inside the AddCommand#execute(), the method conducts a check on the RecordType enumeration before creating the Record object.

✔️ EXPENSE type creates a new Expense(String,LocalDate,String)

✔️ LOAN type creates a new Loan(String,LocalDate,String,String)

✔️ SAVING type creates a new Saving(String,LocalDate,String)

Step 4:
The Record object is added into the RecordList object by invoking RecordList#addRecord(Record).

Step 5:
The RecordList object is written to file by invoking Storage#saveData(RecordList, CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap).

Step 6:
Lastly, a successful add message is printed by invoking Ui#printSuccessfulAdd(Record,int).

4.1.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the add feature.

Aspect: How to manage multiple different options

For record types such as Expense and Saving, they do not require additional options. But for Loan record type, it requires an extra option -p for the borrower name. Since the add command supports many different options and option ordering is not strict, this will complicate validation.

The two choices to consider would be:

Approach Pros Cons
Regular expressions Less complicated validation procedure. May need a very complicated regex String or multiple ones, for each Command.
Systematic validation Option validation methods can be shared with other Commands. Many option violations to check.

Having considered two of the approaches, we have decided to adopt the second approach. Systematic validation is better in the long run. It allows for code re-usability and addition for more modular changes,

Other than increased complexity of regex Strings, any changes to command and option structure requires a completely new regex String. Therefore, systematic validation is the preferred approach, for the current and future developers.

4.2 List Feature

The list feature allows the users to display the record’s information of the respective category of expense, loan, and saving of the added records.

4.2.1 Current Implementation

The list feature is supported by the ListCommand. The user will enter list and followed up with the available options, {-e | -l | -s | -a}, and the ParserHandler will parse the input for CommandHandler to create the ListCommand object. The program then proceeds to call the execute() method, and the record’s information will be displayed on the screen.

Figure 15: Sequence Diagram for ListCommand

📝 The sequence diagram starts from Step 2 onward.

Given below is an example usage scenario of how ListCommand behaves at each step.

Step 1:
The user execute the list command with one of the available options, {-e | -l | -s | -a}. The program invokes ParserHandler#getParseInput() to provide the parsed input to CommandHandler#createCommand(). This checks for the command type, list, and proceeds to validate the parsed input in the ListCommand() constructor before returning the constructed ListCommand object to Finux.

Step 2:
The application next invokes the ListCommand#execute() to execute the user’s instruction.

Step 3:
Inside the ListCommand#execute(), the method conducts a check on the RecordType enumeration before executing the respective method. The RecordType enumeration is used to identify the category such that the correct method would be called. The following are the supported types found in RecordType enumeration:

✔️ EXPENSE type invokes Ui#printExpenses()

✔️ LOAN type invokes Ui#printLoans()

✔️ SAVING type invokes Ui#printSavings()

✔️ ALL type invokes Ui#printAllRecords()

Step 4:
The Ui will handle the respective invocation call. The basis for the four methods utilizes the for loop to iterate through the recordList. For each iteration, instanceof was called to check for the respective record types. If the record types are valid according to the respective method calls, their record’s information will be printed on to the screen.

Step 5:
Lastly, the program will print out the record’s information with the help of getId() and the respective toString() methods.

getId() and toString() omitted for brevity in the sequence diagram.

4.2.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the list feature.

Aspect: Whether to print as record ID or indices

Since we plan to allow the user to remove or return a record, we need a way to identify the record. Below are two proposed printout ideas:

Approach Pros Cons
Index Classical approach Might confuse the user
Record ID Creates a better intuition New method call is necessary for formatting the printout

Having considered two of the approaches, we have decided to adopt the second approach. As our remove and return features take in the number based on the listed records, it will be better to highlight the record ID rather than just a single number printout to provide the user a better intuition. Although a new method call getId() is needed, the price to pay is very little compared to confusing the user as indices can be interpreted differently by different people.

4.3 View Feature

The view feature aims to allow the users to view the total expenditures, loans, and savings for the respective category of expense, loan, and saving of the added records.

4.3.1 Current Implementation

The view feature is facilitated by ViewCommand. By typing in view and followed up with the available options, {-e | -l | -s | -a}, the ParserHandler will parse the input for CommandHandler to create the ViewCommand object. By calling the execute() method, the total amount will be printed onto the console with the help of Ui.

Figure 16: Sequence Diagram for ViewCommand

📝 The sequence diagram starts from Step 2 onward.

Given below is an example usage scenario of how ViewCommand behaves at each step.

Step 1:
The user execute the view command with one of the available options, {-e | -l | -s | -a}. The program invokes ParserHandler#getParseInput() to provide the parsed input to CommandHandler#createCommand(). This checks for the command type, view, and proceeds to validate the parsed input in the ViewCommand() constructor before returning the constructed ViewCommand object to Finux.

Step 2:
The application next invokes the ViewCommand#execute() to execute the user’s instruction.

Step 3:
Inside the ViewCommand#execute(), the method conducts a check on the RecordType enumeration before executing the respective method. The RecordType enumeration is used to identify the category such that the correct method would be called. The following are the supported types found in RecordType enumeration:

✔️ EXPENSE type invokes Ui#printTotalAmountExpense()

✔️ LOAN type invokes Ui#printTotalAmountLoan()

✔️ SAVING type invokes Ui#printTotalAmountSaving()

✔️ ALL type invokes Ui#printTotalAmountAllType()

Step 4:
The Ui will handle the respective invocation call. The basis for the four methods utilizes the for loop to iterate through the recordList and will only add to the totalAmount if it is an instance of the respective record type.

📝 The Ui#printTotalAmountLoan() will imposed additional check on whether the record is returned. Only records that are not returned will be added to the totalAmount. for loop is omitted for brevity in the sequence diagram.

Step 5:
Finally, the totalAmount will set to two decimal place before printing onto the console.

4.3.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the view feature.

Aspect: How many figures should the amount be allowed up to

Since it is entirely possible that the amount provided by user to be very large or very small, the two choices to consider would be:

Approach Pros Cons
Integer No additional class required Limited to a fix amount of digit available to enter
BigDecimal Allow more digits than classic approach Need to create a BigDecimal object

Having considered two of the approaches, we have decided to adopt the second approach. The deterministic factor was the possibility of very large number such as 1000 billions. Thus, covering more than what the integer data type provided can cater to higher flexibility of the application.

4.4 Return Feature

The return feature aims to allow users to mark a loan as return after querying the ID with the list command. The users will be able to then use the return command to mark a loan as return when they deem it as returned. Hence, this feature allows them to update loan records accordingly whenever necessary.

4.4.1 Current Implementation

The return feature is facilitated by ReturnCommand. By running the command with required options and relevant parameters, our CommandHandler will construct the ReturnCommand object which will validate the input and provide the validated parameters that will be used in the execute function.

Figure 17: Sequence Diagram for ReturnCommand

The sequence diagram presented above depicts the interaction between the components for running the command. return -i 1 -d 2021-03-28.

📝 The sequence diagram starts from Step 2 onward.

Given below is an example usage scenario of how ReturnCommand behaves at each step.

Step 1:
User executes the command return -i 1 -d 2021-03-28. The application invokes CommandHandler#createCommand(), and since the command type is return, the CommandHandler#createCommand() constructs a ReturnCommand object. The parameter validation of the constructed ReturnCommand is done in the constructor. The validation is done by invoking the commands: ReturnCommand#getIndexInString(), ReturnCommand#getIndexInInteger() and ReturnCommand#getDate(). The created command is then returned to Finux.

Step 2:
The CommandHandler terminates after validating user input and creating the corresponding Command object. The application invokes ReturnCommand#execute() to execute the user’s instruction.

Step 3:
The ReturnCommand first invokes RecordList#getRecordAt(:Int) to get the record located at index recordNumberInt and is stored in currentRecord. The record retrieved will be used in the next step.

📝 recordNumberInt is a value that you see on the list minus by one.

Step 4:
The currentRecord object is then type-casted to a Loan object. This type-casted object will be stored in currentLoan. This currentLoan will then be used to make necessary computations of the creditscore of the person associated with the loan.

Step 5:
If the loan is not returned, the Loan#markAsReturned(). Then steps 6 to 7 will be carried out. Otherwise, these steps will be skipped.

Step 6:
Convert the person associated with the loan to lower case. Then invoke the method creditScoreReturnedLoansMap#getCreditScoreOf(:String) to retrieve to current credit score of the person. Then, the Utils#getDaysDifference(:LocalDate, :LocalDate) is invoked to retrieve how many days it took for the person to return the loan.

Step 7:
The information derived from step 6 is then used to compute the new credit score by calling the method Utils#computeCreditScore(:long, :Int, :bool). This newly computed credit score is then stored by invoking creditScoreReturnedLoansMap#insertCreditScoreOf(:String, :Int).

Step 8:
The application invokes Ui#printMessage() and prints the record that will be marked as return with their respective toString() method.

Step 9:
The application invokes Storage#saveData() to save the modification on the record list onto the save file after the updates on the loan is done successfully. This will then enable future file loading to be accurate and there are no mismatch of information or records.

4.4.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the return feature.

Aspect: When should the application validate the user inputs

These user inputs include:

It is entirely possible that the index or date provided by the user can be invalid.
For indices:

For dates:

There is a need to validate the index given by the user to ensure that the application does not terminate unexpectedly and that suitable error messages are printed to notify the user of their intentional or unintentional incorrect parameter inputs.

Approach Pros Cons
During command execution. No additional class required. A new argument for the execute() method is needed. It also increases coupling and decreases cohesion.
During command creation. Decreases coupling and increases cohesion as there is a clear cut in between responsibilities. The arguments of execute() can remain consistent with other command types. Duplication of validation may occur in other commands.

Having considered two of the approaches, we have decided to implement the second approach which is to validate the index and date during command creation. The lower coupling and higher cohesion won the battle here and also the consistency of the arguments in execute() can also be maintained.

4.5 Remove Feature

The remove feature aims to allow users to remove records after querying the record’s ID with the list command. The users will be able to then use the remove command to delete certain records that they deem obsolete or is incorrect. Hence, this feature allows them to amend their mistakes or edit their list with constraints.

4.5.1 Current Implementation

The remove feature is facilitated by RemoveCommand. By running the command with required options and relevant parameters, our CommandHandler will construct the RemoveCommand object which will validate the input and provide validated parameters that will be used in the execute function.

Figure 18: Sequence Diagram for RemoveCommand

The sequence diagram presented above depicts the interaction between the components for running the command. remove -i 1.

📝 The sequence diagram starts from Step 2 onward.

Given below is an example usage scenario of how RemoveCommand behaves at each step.

Step 1:
User executes the command remove -i 1. The application invokes CommandHandler#createCommand(), and since the command type is remove, the createCommand constructs a RemoveCommand object. The validation of the constructed RemoveCommand is done in the constructor. The created command is then returned to Finux.

Step 2:
The CommandHandler terminates after parsing user input and creating the corresponding Command object. The application invokes RemoveCommand#execute() to execute the user’s instruction.

Step 3:
The RemoveCommand first invokes RecordList#getRecordAt(:Int) to get the record located at index recordNumberInt. The record retrieved will be used in the next step.

📝 recordNumberInt is a value that you see on the list minus by one.

Step 4:
The application invokes Ui#printMessage() and prints the record that will be removed with their respective toString() method.

Step 5:
The application invokes RecordList#deleteRecordAt(:Int) which removes the record located at the index recordNumberInt.

Step 6:
The application invokes Storage#saveData() to save the modification on the record list onto the save file after the removal of the record is successful. This will then enable future file loading to be accurate and there are no mismatch of information or records.

4.5.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the remove feature.

Aspect: When should the application validate the user input index

Since it is entirely possible that the index provided by the user can be invalid where the indices may be one of the following:

There is a need to validate the index given by the user to ensure that the application does not terminate unexpectedly and that suitable error messages are printed to notify the user of their intentional or unintentional incorrect parameter inputs.

This consideration is much similar to the one in Return Feature

Approach Pros Cons
During command execution. No additional class required. A new argument for the execute() method is needed. It also increases coupling and decreases cohesion.
During command creation. Decreases coupling and increases cohesion as there is a clear cut in between responsibilities. The arguments of execute() can remain consistent with other command types. Duplication of validation may occur in other commands.

Having considered two of the approaches, we have decided to adopt the second approach which is to validate the index during command creation. The lower coupling and higher cohesion was the deterministic factor here and also the consistency of the arguments in execute() can also be maintained.

Aspect: The way the index is specified(option)

As the user has to specify the index of which record to remove, the index has to be provided but is -i required?

Approach Pros Cons
Have to use -i The options will be consistent with the return command as it requires the user to input an index as well Extra time is used to enter 2 more characters just to satisfy the application requirement where the remove command actually only need one parameter.
Do not have to use -i Saves the time needed to input the 2 characters. It will be inconsistent to require users to include -i for the return command but not for the remove command.

With the two approaches considered, we have decided to adopt the first approach as it gives consistency for the user experience, and it will not cause any confusion. The time wasted is negligible, and the consistency provides long-term benefit.

4.6 Storage Feature

The storage feature allows all record and creditScoreReturnedLoansMap to be stored locally on the device and for record and creditScoreReturnedLoansMap to be loaded from a saved file into the Finux application. This is the only feature implemented that does not have an explicit command to call it.

4.6.1 Current Implementation

As the saving and loading methods have no explicit command calls, these methods are invoked by methods from the other classes. During the launch of the Finux application, in the start() method, getRecordListData() is called to load the data from the saved file: finux.txt.

Figure 19: Sequence Diagram for Storage’s save function

Saving of data works differently, the data will be automatically saved into finux.txt only with a few particular command calls, these calls are the commands that will alter the records in the RecordList. As the creditScoreReturnLoansMap is also altered by changes in the Loans object. It will also be stored and updated together with the commands below.

The following commands and scenarios where these records will be saved locally into the save file:

The sequence below will show you how the Storage class behaves at each step. As all three methods above generally behave similarly in the way they call the saveData() method, the following will be generalised to prevent repetition for all the three methods above.

Step 1
Before the end of the add, remove or return command, the saveData() method will be invoked.

Step 2
The saveData() method will then call on the writeRecordListToSaveFile() method. This method will pass the recordList back to the RecordList class to invoke the getRecordAt() method.

Step 3
The getRecordAt() method will return the record that is identified by its index. With this record, the method writeRecordListToSaveFile() will then call on the convertFileFormat() method in the RecordList class. This method will convert the record that is stored in the recordList into a text readable format.

Step 4
The text format of the record will then be written into the finux.txt file through the FileWriter#write() method.

Step 5
The writeRecordListToSaveFile() will repeat Steps 2 to 4 until the last record in the recordList, and each record will be written and separated by a newline.

Figure 20: Sequence Diagram for Storage’s load function

Finux will automatically load the data from the save file: finux.txt. When the Finux application is launched, the data from the file will be loaded during the initialising phase, even before the welcome message is printed. The error and exception handling is omitted from the diagram above as the application will print a failed initialization message and terminate.

Step 1
When the user launches the finux.jar application, in the start method. The loadFile() method will be invoked.

Step 2
The loadFile() method will first check for the save file, if it exists it will then call upon the parseRawData() method which will read and match the contents of the finux.txt file with the regex patterns. It will then call on the respective methods to return the object type of it. (In this case, Expense, Loan, Savings, CreditScoreReturnLoansMap)

Step 3
With the returned objects, they are now parsed into the processParsedObject method to be added into their respective classes. With the instances of Record being added into an ArrayList<Record> and the creditScoreReturnedLoansMap into a HashMap<String, Integer>.

Step 4
The start method in the Finux class will then call the getRecordListData() method to retrieve the loaded ArrayList<Record> from the Storage class and to load it into the RecordList object, this is also the same with the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap where the start() method in the Finux class will call the getMapData() method from the Storage class which will then return the HashMap<String, Integer> and load it into the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap object.

4.6.2 Design Consideration

This section will walk you through the design considerations taken when implementing the remove feature.

Aspect: When should the data be saved into a local file

Since we do not have an explicit function call to save the files, the data should be automatically saved but there are multiple occasions that this can be invoked:

Approach Pros Cons
On Exit Save just has to be called exactly once, minimal coupling If program crashes before exit is called, all data will be lost
After each command call Guaranteed save after every successful command call, users can “save” the data by simply entering any legal commands Extraneous calls of save, high coupling, a lot of passing of data around
After any command call that edits data in RecordList Allows data to be saved after every update to the RecordList Some coupling between the methods that updates the records and calling the save method.

💡 Note that data in the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap is related directly to the Loan object in the RecordList, thus we have omitted the mention of it here as any changes to the CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap will also be reflected in the Loan object which is a part of the RecordList.

After considering the above approaches, we have decided to adopt the third approach even though there might be more coupling than the first method. By choosing the third approach, we can ensure that our data is stored safely and as compared to the second approach, the third approach minimises the coupling within our methods.

4.7 Credit Score Feature

The creditscore feature aims to provide users with a way to assess the credibility of his/her borrowers through a point scoring system. On a high level view, credit score ranges from 0 to 100 inclusive, and is generally computed based on the following pseudo code:

      CREDIT_SCORE += 5
      CREDIT_SCORE -= 10
      CREDIT_SCORE -= 20
       CREDIT_SCORE -= 50

4.7.1 Current Implementation

The creditscore feature is facilitated by the CreditScoreCommand. By providing the name of a borrower as an argument to the CreditScoreCommand, the ParserHandler will parse the input for CommandHandler to create an instance of CreditScoreCommand. Upon successful creation, the execute() method of the instance will be called to compute and display the credit score of the borrower.

Figure 21: Sequence Diagram for CreditScoreCommand

Step 1
User enters the command creditscore Mark. Finux class invokes ParserHandler#getParseInput() to provide the parsed input to CommandHandler#createCommand(). Since the command requested by the user in this case is the CreditScoreCommand, an instance of the CreditScoreCommand is created and returned by createCommand() to the Finux class. Validation of the input provided to CreditScoreCommand is performed by the constructor new CreditScoreCommand() during the creation of this instance.

Step 2
Finux class executes the CreditScoreCommand#execute() to compute and display the credit score of the borrower.

Step 3
Within the execute() of the CreditScoreCommand class, the method first retrieves the borrower’s credit score via CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap#getCreditScoreOf(). This retrieved score is computed based on the list of confirmed returned loans made by the borrower and is not the final score. Data stored within CreditScoreReturnedLoansMap are computed by the ReturnCommand, when a loan is marked as returned.

Step 4
Continuing the computation from the score retrieved in step 3, the method proceeds to loop through the entire RecordList.

Step 5
Within each iteration, a Record object is first retrieved via RecordList#getRecordAt(). If this retrieved Record object is an instance of the Loan class, the method will proceed to check if the loan represented by this loan object is being loaned to the specified borrower (in this example, Mark) and has not yet returned.

Step 6
If true, the method will proceed to call Utils#getDaysDifference(), which will compute the difference in days between the current date and the issue date of the loan.

Step 7
Next, Utils#computeCreditScore() will be used to compute a new credit score of the borrower. This computation is cumulative to the score retrieved in step 3 and takes into account of the value computed in step 6. The formula used by Utils#computeCreditScore() is as described above in the introduction section of Credit Score Feature.

Step 8
Lastly after the loop mentioned in step 3 ends, the final score is displayed onto the console via the UI component.

4.7.2 Design Consideration

This section shows the design considerations taken when implementing the Credit Score Feature.

Aspect: How can we preserve the accuracy of the credit score system?

As the credit score calculation is calculated based on the loan records of a borrower, the following methods of calculation can be implemented:

Approach Pros Cons
Non-persistent Straight forward and no additional resources needed Credit score is bias towards the current record list and does not factor in any borrowing history
Persistent Provide a more accurate credit score computation based on the borrower’s borrowing history regardless of the current contents of the record list Additional resources required to save each borrower’s current score when exiting the program

Having considered the two approaches, we have decided to adopt the second approach. To preserve the accuracy of the credit score system, the persistence of each borrower’s credit score starting from the very first loan made to them, to throughout the entire application lifetime is important. This will ensure that the loan history is persisted on every new startup, and hence factored in every instance of the credit score computation. Even though there is the downside arising from the extra memory space needed, it is a small price to pay as compared to the benefits it brings to the user when enhancing their decision on loaning money to others.

Appendix A: Product Scope

A.1 Target User Profile

A.2 Value proposition

A.2.1 Problem Identification

Problems faced by students that Finux aim to assist with.

A.2.2 Value Adding

Finux aims to integrate the process of managing and keeping track of financial status without the need to access online websites and using different applications to keep track of different loans and expenditures. Finux provides an all-in-one platform for students who are usually in front of their computers. The student’s expertise in coding and typing can speed up the process of their finance management through the CLI interface.

❗ Finux does not provide any finance advise.

Appendix B: User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user be able to add a record (expense) with dates record each expense into the app.
v1.0 clumsy user be able to delete wrong inputs easily rectify errors in the record list.
v1.0 debt collector (Student) list down a list of people who owes me money with a deadline make sure that they return their money.
v1.0 student list each and every incurred expense better manage my daily/weekly expenses.
v1.0 SOC student have a CLI style money management system accomplish tasks faster typing on a CLI compared to clicking on a GUI.
v1.0 user be able to view the total expenditure, saving and loan credit know the total amount of each category for planning and viewing.
v1.0 debt collector (Student) mark a loan as returned know which loans are returned to me.
v1.0 new user know the list of commands use the app correctly.
v2.0 new user know what function I can use tell what are the valid inputs for the application.
v2.0 lender know the loanee’s punctuality on returning the loan gauge who to continue lending money the next time.
v2.0 student know how trustworthy a person is according to a score indicator decide how risk-free it is to lend money to the said person.

Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The application should be responsive.
  2. The application should work on most operating systems (OS) such as Windows and Linux with Java 11 installed.
  3. Users who can type fast should be able to complete equivalent tasks faster as compared to using a mouse.
  4. Users should be able to use the application with ease with the help of the User Guide (UG) and the Developer’s Guide (DG).

Appendix D: Instructions for manual testing

D.1: Launch and Shutdown

Initial Launch

  1. Download the jar file and copy it into an empty folder where the application will save its files in.
  2. Open a new command prompt (Windows) or terminal (MacOS) and navigate to the directory containing finux.jar.
  3. Enter the command java -jar finux.jar to launch Finux.
  4. Program will create a new save file if there are currently no existing save file, else it will load the save file.


  1. To exit Finux, enter the exit command.

D.2: Adding an expense to the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: add -e Plain bread loaf -a 2.50 -d 28/03/2021 Expected: Adds an expense with the description ‘Plain bread loaf’ with an amount of 2.50 dollars on 28th March 2021.
  3. Test case: add -e Gym equipment -a 500 -d 02/04/2021 Expected: Adds an expense with the description ‘Gym equipment’ with an amount of 500 dollars on 2nd April 2021.
  4. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. add
    2. add -e
    3. add -e -a
    4. add -e -a -d
    5. add -e lunch -a x -d 28/03/2021 (where x is a negative number or a word)

D.3: Adding a loan to the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: add -l 1st loan to Mark -a 200 -d 20/03/2021 -p Mark Expected: Adds a loan with the description ‘1st loan to Mark’ with an amount of 200 dollars on 20th March 2021. The loan is associated with Mark.
  3. Test case: add -l 1st loan to Jason -a 520 -d 01/04/2021 -p Jason Expected: Adds a loan with the description ‘1st loan to Jason’ with an amount of 520 dollars on 1st April 2021. The loan is associated with Jason.
  4. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. add
    2. add -l
    3. add -l -a
    4. add -l -a -d
    5. add -l -a -d -p
    6. add -l loan to Andy -a x -d 28/03/2021 -p Andy (where x is a negative number or a word)

D.4: Adding a saving to the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: add -s Savings from March -a 1000 -d 29/03/2021 Expected: Adds a saving with the description ‘Savings from March’ with an amount of 1000 dollars on 29th March 2021.
  3. Test case: add -s Savings from April -a 1200 -d 29/03/2021 Expected: Adds a saving with the description ‘Savings from April’ with an amount of 1200 dollars on 29th April 2021.
  4. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. add
    2. add -s
    3. add -s -a
    4. add -s -a -d
    5. add -s Savings from Intern -a x -d 30/03/2021 (where x is a negative number or a word)

D.5 Listing expense(s) in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: list -e Expected: Lists all the expenses currently in the record list.

D.6 Listing loan(s) in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: list -l Expected: Lists all the loans currently in the record list.

D.7 Listing saving(s) in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: list -s Expected: Lists all the savings currently in the record list.

D.8 Listing all records in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: list -a Expected: Lists all the records currently in the record list.

D.9 Viewing total expense amount in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: view -e Expected: Views the total amount of expenses currently in the record list.

D.10 Viewing total loan amount in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: view -l Expected: Views the total amount of loans currently in the record list.

D.11 Viewing total saving amount in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: view -s Expected: Views the total amount of savings currently in the record list.

D.12 Viewing total record amount in the record list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: view -a Expected: Views the total amount of all records currently in the record list.

D.13 Mark a loan as returned

  1. Prerequisite:
    1. Assuming your current record list is empty.
    2. The record list must contain a loan record.
    3. Add a loan into the list add -l Loan to Jason -a 500 -d 28/03/2021 -p Jason
  2. Test case: return -i 1 -d 02/04/2021 Expected: The loan with record ID 1 will be marked as returned and will be indicated with [v] at the end of the entry in the record list.
  3. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. return
    2. return -i
    3. return -i -d
    4. return -i x -d y (where x is a negative number or a word, y is an invalid date)

D.14 Remove a record from the record list

  1. Prerequisite:
    1. Assuming your current record list is empty.
    2. The record list must contain any instance of record (Expense, Loan, Saving)
    3. Add a record into the list add -e Chicken Rice Lunch at Deck -a 2.50 -d 30/03/2021
  2. Test case: remove -i 1 Expected: The record with record ID 1 will be removed from the record list.
  3. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. remove
    2. remove -i
    3. remove -i 0
    4. remove -i x (where x is any integer that is greater than the size of the array or a negative integer)

D.15 Checking the CreditScore of a person

  1. Prerequisite:
    1. Assuming your current record list is empty.
    2. The record list must contain a loan record.
    3. Add a loan into the list add -l Loan to Jason -a 500 -d 28/03/2021 -p Jason
    4. Mark the loan as returned return -i 1 -d 10/04/2021
  2. Test case: creditscore jason Expected: The credit score shown should be 90 instead of 100 (default).
  3. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. creditscore
    2. creditscore -p jason
    3. creditscore -i x (where x is any integer)

💡 Note: The creditscore command will also calculate the person’s credit score should the loan not be returned.

D.16 Displaying the help list

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: help Expected: The summary table of all commands and format will be displayed.
  3. Test case: help x (where x is a valid command) Expected: The detailed explanation of x command will be displayed.
  4. Other incorrect commands to try:
    1. help -i
    2. help -i 0
    3. help y (where y is an invalid command)

D.17 Exiting Finux application

  1. Prerequisite: None.
  2. Test case: exit Expected: Finux application exits and displays the exit message.